Check out how to determine how much life insurance you need! When it comes to protecting your family, life insurance is a key component. If you pass away, you leave your family with an array of financial responsibilities. From mortgage payments to funeral costs, a loss could impact your family’s quality of life. Ensure your family is protected with the right life insurance policy. However, you want to make sure that you have enough coverage. Check out this guide to help you determine how much Read More
Enroll in the Affordable Care Act Before January 31, 2016
Make sure to sign up for your health insurance under the Affordable Care Act by January 31, 2016! Under the Affordable Care Act, all U.S. citizens are required to obtain health insurance. Signing up through open enrollment is crucial to make sure you’re covered for the upcoming year. Failure to sign up for insurance may lead to some hefty tax penalties. Make sure to enroll by January 31, 2016 and check out these tips to demystify your health insurance coverage. Mandated Coverage. There Read More
Are Your Insurance Policies Ready For El Nino?
El Nino And Flood Insurance Are you ready for El Nino? While most Californians are looking forward to the storm to help relieve the current drought conditions, you should also take the time to ensure that you are ready for the heavy rains that are expected. With heavy rains comes the threat of severe flooding, which could wreak havoc not only California streets, but also on your house. Before you assume that you are covered from any disaster this El Nino, it is important to fully understand Read More
Sending Your Child to College? Make Sure They Are Covered
Renter's Insurance Myths If you are sending your child off to college this fall, no matter if they are going into their freshman year or completing their degree, it can be a little stressful. If they will be living off campus this year, one of the best ways to prepare them for school is to invest in the right rental insurance policy. There are many myths that surround renter’s insurance, which can lead to your college student being unprotected from many perils. Make sure that you know the Read More
How To Save On Homeowners Insurance
Protecting Your Home & Your Pocketbook Your home is your refuge. Not only does it shelter you from physical storms, it can also feel like a safe haven when the storms of life rage. Consequently, you are willing to pay big money to protect it. Just because you know your home deserves great coverage does not mean you have to assume a great expense, though. Here are a few tips for lowing your premiums. Get More Secure: Talk with your insurance agent to see exactly how much upgrading your Read More
Raising Awareness On The Road In April
Do You Know The Facts For This Month? April does not just bring us warmer temperatures and life blooming all around us, it also brings an important reminder. April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month, making it a great time to remind ourselves of how important it is to maintain focus behind the wheel. Here are a few sobering distracted driving statistics that will remind us all to keep our hands on the wheel and our eyes on the road. Of drivers under the age of 20 who were involved in Read More