Auto insurance is a necessity for all drivers, but many people don’t understand what it can include. Working with an independent agent can help you make the right decisions when you put your policy together, but it pays to be informed before you even speak to an agent. There are six main types of automotive coverage–many policies include all or most of the coverage types. Learn more about the options and then speak to your agent to make certain you have the coverage you need.
- Bodily Injury Liability – This coverage would pay for bodily injury that you caused to the passengers in another car or pedestrians in an accident that is your fault. There is a state mandated minimum coverage in the state of California for this category of insurance.
- Personal Injury Protection (PIP) – This insurance covers injuries that you or your passengers sustain in an at-fault accident.
- Property Damage Liability – This pays for damages that you cause to someone else’s property (car, structure, etc.) as part of an accident that you were responsible for causing. There is also a state mandated minimum for this insurance type.
- Collision – Collision insurance pays for damages to your own car as the result of a traditional car accident. This type of insurance normally has a deductible. The higher the deductible, the less you pay for the premium.
- Comprehensive – Comprehensive coverage pays for damages that are sustained to your car because of something other than an accident. This could include the car being stolen or damages caused by natural forces.
- Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist Coverage – These types of insurance kick in on accidents that are NOT your fault. If the person that hit you did not have coverage or had insufficient coverage this insurance would pay the difference to reimburse you for damages.
In addition to auto insurance, ISU-Wissink Insurance provides provide gap coverage, motorcycle, RV, boat insurance and more. Our team of independent agents will go the extra mile to get you the coverage you need. ISU-Wissink Insurance is currently servicing all of Los Angeles and Orange Counties, California– Call us today at 310-390-3318.
California License Number 652703.