Try out these suggestions to eliminate allergens in your home.
Spring is finally here! Unfortunately for many people, the start of spring means the beginning of allergy season. While there’s little you can do to about the dust and pollen outside, you can take steps to deal with the allergens inside your home. Here are some of the things you can do to eliminate the allergens inside your home.
Dust Smarter
Dusting is a good way to pick up dust and other allergens that have settled on your flat surfaces. However, if you want to ensure that you are completely eliminating allergens as you dust, always follow up your dusting by vacuuming the area. This will take care of the allergens that fall to the ground as you dust.
Wash Your Bedding
Another way to reduce the allergens in your home is by regularly washing your blankets, sheets, and pillowcases. Dust settles on plush surfaces the same way that it does on your hard surfaces, you just can’t see it as easily. This is why you should be careful to launder your bedding routinely. Eliminating this dust will help you avoid cuddling up to a bed that’s harboring secret, sneeze-inducing particles.
Filter Your Air
Finally, you can eliminate the allergens in the air by investing in a HEPA filter. These filters can eliminate 100% of airborne pollen and ragweed particles. Additionally, they can also filter out approximately 99.9% of other allergens that are in the air.
Try out these suggestions to help you take care of the allergens inside your home. Are you looking for the best way to protect your home? Make sure you have the right homeowners insurance coverage to meet your needs. For assistance with your insurance, contact the professionals at ISU-Wissink Insurance in Culver City, California. We are ready to get you covered today.