How Driving Fewer Miles Could Save You Money Sure, you know that clocking fewer miles behind the wheel will result in less wear and tear on your vehicle and will save you money at the gas pump. Did you know, however, that going for an afternoon walk rather than an afternoon joy ride can also help drive down your insurance rates? To help you secure low mileage discounts, use these steps. Talk To Your Agent: Let your independent insurance agent know about any life changes that have resulted Read More
Reasons to Review Your Commercial Auto Insurance Policy
Posted on: March 19, 2014
A commercial auto insurance policy should fit the needs of each business accordingly. Most owners do not review their coverage and are likely missing money saving opportunities. There are many reasons why businesses with as few as one commercial vehicle, to a those that contain a fleet of vehicles, must review their commercial auto insurance today for proper coverage and better deals. When businesses add a vehicle to their commercial fleet, they must have extra coverage, while new and Read More