Learn all about switching your auto insurance policy. Your insurance is important. It helps to give you the coverage that you need when life takes a turn for the worst. However, not all policies are created equal. Sometimes, you want to change your insurance policy. When it comes to your auto insurance, get the coverage that you need. Find out what you need to know about switching your auto insurance policy with these tips. Compare & Contrast. Before you decide on a new policy, it’s Read More
Wet Weather Driving Safety Tips
Use these tips to stay safe on the road through El Nino. With the current California drought, grabbing your umbrella when you leave the house may be the last thing on your mind. However, a monster El Nino is expected to hit the state in the near future, bringing heavy rains. To help ensure that you stay safe while on the on the roads when the rain starts falling, keep these wet weather driving safety tips in mind. Slow down. It takes much longer to stop on wet roads. Decreasing your speed Read More
Stay Safe On The Roads This Rainy Season With These Tips
Rain Driving Safety Living in California means getting to enjoy warm, sunny skies for the majority of the year. However, with a “Godzilla” El Nino predicted to hit Southern California this fall and winter, you may have to dig deep into the back of your closet to find your umbrella. Before the rainy season hits, it is also important to make sure that you know how to stay safe on the road during the rain. Keep these rain safety tips in mind the next time the sky opens up. Use extreme caution Read More
Are You Paying the Right Price For Your Auto Insurance?
Auto Insurance Rate Factors Auto insurance is required in almost all states, which means that there is no way to avoid paying for your coverage. However, knowing what factors determine your auto insurance rates can help to make sure that you are paying the right price. Keep these car insurance premium factors in mind to see where you can make changes. Age – while everyone has a birthday every year, as long as you are under the age of 25, you will face higher premiums since you are Read More