Last minute tax tips & reminders to help you get your taxes in on time!
Tax day is approaching. Haven’t done your taxes yet? There’s still time! As you make a mad dash to get your taxes in by the April 15 deadline, check out these last minute tax tips and reminders.
Make A Checklist.
You may be rushing to get your taxes ready. However, as you quickly assemble your tax return, you’re more likely to miss a few documents. Make sure that you’re prepared with a checklist of all the documents that you need to include. Don’t forget your W-2s, 1099s, 1098, and any receipts from business, healthcare, and education payments.
Review Your Work.
Before you submit your return, be sure to double check that your work is correct. Ensure that there aren’t any mathematical errors, that everything is written legibly, and that you’ve signed and dated the tax return.
Don’t Forget Your 1095s.
As part of the Affordable Care Act, it’s required that all citizens acquire healthcare. If they fail to acquire health insurance, then they’re subject to tax penalties. Your 1095s whether they may be As, Bs, or Cs, are proof that you’ve had insurance over the past year. Make sure to include these forms in your tax return.
Get An Extension.
There’s no shame in needing a little extra time. If you’re unable to get your tax return in on time, request an extension for filing your return. To extend the deadline, you must submit Form 4868 through Just make sure that you get your extension request in before midnight on April 15. Also, be aware that your extension doesn’t extend your time to pay any taxes owed. Make sure to pay your balance before you submit a request for an extension.
As you get ready to file your taxes, be sure to review your insurance policies, and contact the professionals at ISU Wissink Insurance. Located in Culver City, California, we serve all your personal and commercial insurance needs.