For most drivers, obtaining auto insurance is a pretty direct process. However, things can get complicated if you have a disability. While some basic aspects remain the same, other variables may impact your coverage.
Here is an in-depth look at car insurance for drivers with disabilities.
Basic Auto Insurance for Disabled Drivers
Even if you have a disability, most insurers will still look at your driving record, the amount of coverage that you are looking for, and your credit score to figure out the type of premiums that you will have. If you do have a disability, your insurer will think about adding custom equipment or other accessibility features to your policy. Some of the common disabilities that drivers may deal with include epilepsy, hearing or vision impairment, and cerebral palsy.
Americans With Disabilities Act
The 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act changed how insurers offer auto insurance for disabled drivers. The ADA banned companies from discriminating against people with disabilities. Disabled drivers cannot be charged more expensive auto insurance rates compared to other drivers. However, many disabled drivers still have to pay more for coverage. It’s not illegal for auto insurance companies to decide that disabled drivers are relatively high-risk drivers. Insurance companies primarily look at the potential risks of a driver instead of their health.
Other Medical Issues
Make sure that you disclose all of your medical issues to your insurance agent. Even if you don’t have a severe medical issue, smaller issues such as sleep apnea can impact your policy and lead to you paying higher rates. Even if you attempt to withhold some information, your primary care physician may report it to the DMV.
Modified Vehicles
Disabled drivers can choose to have their vehicles modified. However, modified vehicles require extra coverage because of the equipment involved. Adapting a vehicle for Disability Accessibility can lead to a higher premium. Popular modifications include hand controls, pedal extenders, siren detectors, and wheelchair lifts. These modifications are expensive to replace if you are involved in an accident. Failing to notify your agent about these modifications can substantially impact your claim.
Finding Car Insurance for Disabled Drivers
Think about the type of coverage that you want. Research different comprehensive, collision, and liability insurance options. You may be able to find a special policy that helps you take care of your vehicle.
Research mobility car insurance. Mobility car insurance helps reduce the cost of finding alternative transportation while your vehicle is being repaired. You should qualify for this coverage even if your vehicle has only sustained a small amount of damage. You can also add special equipment coverage. Special equipment coverage helps you find another wheelchair ramp or wheelchair if it needs to be replaced. In some cases, you may be able to qualify for a rebate if you purchase a vehicle with special modifications.
Disabled drivers have a lot of factors to consider before deciding on an auto insurance policy. Take some time to evaluate all of your options. Would you like to learn more about making the most of your auto insurance protection without hurting your wallet? Contact the experts at ISU Wissink Insurance in Culver City, California, for all your coverage needs. We are ready to assist you with all your auto insurance questions and needs today.