Celebrate your health in honor of American Heart Month!
Give your heart a little tender love and care! This month is American Heart Month. In the United States, heart disease is a leading cause of mortality, causing one in four deaths. The good news about heart disease is that a few simple lifestyle changes can keep your heart healthy. Work with the CDC and Million Hearts to reduce the number of heart attacks and strokes with these tips to keep your heart healthy.
- Engage in physical activity. From a pickup game of basketball to a walk around the block, exercise helps keep your heart healthy. Make sure that you spend at least 30 minutes participating in some form of physical activity most days of the week.
- Experiment with new spices. Salt is known to be a factor in raising blood pressure, and high blood pressure puts you at risk for serious heart disease. Strive to cut salt from your diet. However, a lack of salt doesn’t have to mean lack of flavor. Experiment in your kitchen with new spices.
- Drink more water. Staying hydrated is important, but sugary drinks like juice and sodas which are high in sodium, aren’t good for your health. Plus, too much alcohol can increase your risk for heart disease. Make a commitment to swap out your indulgent beverages for water to keep your heart healthy.
- Fruits and veggies are your friends. Managing a healthy weight is key to staying fit and keeping your heart healthy. Plus, animal products, like red meat, can raise your cholesterol and thicken plaque in your arteries which can lead to a heart attack. Strive to eat a more vegetarian diet and strengthen your heart.
Stay well and have your heart checked annually by taking out a health insurance policy. Be sure to contact the professionals at ISU Wissink Insurance. Located in Culver City, California, we serve all your personal and commercial insurance needs.