Health Insurance: How It Protects You From Most Health and Financial Risks

Does your employer provide health insurance coverage? If not, you can get your personal coverage covering essential health benefits. The main benefit of getting marketplace health insurance is that it protects you from paying enormous high costs out of pocket in emergencies. Here's a deeper look at what marketplace health insurance provides. Essential Features of Marketplace Health Insurance Ambulatory patient services - Includes outpatient careBirth control coverage - Includes various Read More

Open Enrollment 2016 Is Here!

What you need to know before buying health insurance during open enrollment. Open enrollment has officially opened, which means right now is the perfect time to sign up for a new health insurance plan. Even if you have signed up for health care through the Marketplace in previous years, there may be some changes that you need to know about. Keep these 2016 open enrollment facts in mind to help ensure that you are able to get the right amount of coverage. The dates have changed – open Read More

What To Know For The Upcoming Healthcare Deadline

Are You Prepared For February 15th? No, February 15th does not mark the day you wake in a panic realizing you have forgotten Valentine’s Day. (Do not worry, advertisers will make sure you remember the holiday.) It is the deadline for the current open enrollment period. If you do not have health insurance by that time, not only will your coverage options be severely limited until the next open enrollment period but you will also be faced with a tax penalty for failing to secure coverage. Why is Read More