Long term care is a type of health care that offers those with illnesses, disabilities, and other disabling conditions with their much needed care. Depending on the exclusive needs of the individual, these services can range from help with daily activities to weekly tasks. Long term care can be provided by nurses, therapists, or any other medical professional. Long term care differs from disability insurance in that it does not provide coverage for being injured on the job from high risk Read More
Life Stages of Insurance
Posted on: January 1, 2014
There are many different types of insurance policies, and your exact needs for these policies will vary depending on where you are in your life, and what your responsibilities are. Younger adults who are just starting out on their own don't necessarily think of life insurance as a top priority, but there are still situations when it should be considered, for example those who have asked others to cosign on loans may want a small term life insurance policy that will last while they are in school Read More