Check out how you can make the most out of your tax refund! As tax season comes to a close, you’re about to get your tax refunds. You’ve worked hard for your money, and that little extra cash is well deserved. Just be sure to use that extra money wisely. Learn how you can make the most of your tax refund with these tips to maximize your extra cash. Start A New Savings Account. You never know when you may need a little extra cash. It’s a good idea to keep a little extra in a savings Read More
Disability, Hospital Indemnity, & Critical Insurance Cover Expensive Medical Bills With Added Coverage!
Learn how disability, hospital indemnity, and critical insurance can benefit you! When it comes to staying healthy, you do your best. You eat well, exercise, and get enough sleep. But, sometimes it's not enough. When it comes to your health, make sure to cover all your bases, including your financial ones. Investing in the right insurance can help you lift the financial burden of being sick off your shoulders. Make sure to consider disability, hospital indemnity insurance. Here’s what you need Read More
Be Sure To Check Out These Local St. Patrick’s Day Events For 2016
Get out and celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at these local events, but be sure to drink responsibly! Wear your green and your shamrocks, and get ready to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day! Grab your friends and be sure to check out these events packed with St. Patrick’s Day fun. But, as you get ready for a night on the town, remember to put safety first. Please drink responsibly. NEVER drink and drive. Alcohol impairs your judgment and slows your reaction time. Keep yourself and others safe by Read More
Don’t Let Natural Disasters Shake Up Your Business, Be Prepared With These Tips
Prepare your business for natural disasters! The wrath of mother nature should not be underestimated. From earthquakes to fires to floods, there is an array of natural disasters that have the potential to damage your business. You never can predict the unexpected, but you can prepare for it. Take preventative measures against natural disasters and make sure your business is protected with these tips. Earthquakes: Earthquakes are a reality of living in California. Make sure you take Read More