Looking for some family friendly activities to celebrate the Easter holiday? Here are some highlights of festivities around the LA and Orange County communities.
Here in Orange County, the Rabbit Run will be held on April 19 from 8:30 to 10:30 am. Get fit for Easter weekend with this 5K that is run along a course dotted with Easter eggs. Hunt while you run at this Concordia University event, and be greeted by the Easter bunny at the finish line.
On April 13 for Palm Sunday Irvine Presbyterian Church will host their Easter event starting at 10 am. In addition to a palm branch procession of children, the Chancel and Children’s choirs will perform. Following the Palm Sunday Easter service, there will be an Easter egg hunt at the church.
The Easter Festival at the Orange County Marketplace in Costa Mesa, CA is truly a family fun event with a treasure hunt, puppet show, face painting and so much more! Mark your calendar for the April 19th event and check out www.ocmarketplace.com
On April 20 commencing at 7 am, the Saddleback Church at Northwood HS Irvine Campus will host a sunrise service outdoors. Three additional services will be held that morning, in addition to an Easter brunch buffet, an egg hunt and photo booth for families to enjoy.
In Culver City, at the Culver Village Easter Bunny Hop, children are encouraged to bring their Easter baskets for goodies and promotions offered by businesses of the Culver Village. Located on Sepulveda Blvd., between Culver and Franklin on Saturday, April 19th from 1pm to 4pm.
The Passion Play at Shepherd of the Hills Church in Porter Ranch offers a fabulous tented theater production from April 10-19th. Easter Sunday services will also be held at the same location. For more information: www.passionplaylive.com
Easter weekend is truly a fun and unique experience at the LA Zoo & Botanical Gardens. Bring your family to enjoy crafts, as well as the opportunity to pet some adorable bunnies! www.lazoo.org
Looking for a more traditional family activity? The Egg Scramble and Egg-spedition Egg Hunt at the LA County Arboretum & Botanic Garden is hosting an Easter egg hunt, with crafts suitable for all ages on Saturday, April 19. www.arboretum.org
Here at ISU Wissink Insurance, we wish you a wonderful and blessed Easter holiday with your loved ones.