With the first couple weeks of school behind us, you may be realizing how dangerous the roads have become with the increased congestion. Whether you drop your child off at school yourself, or if your child walks or takes the bus to school, there are some vital school safety habits that everyone must follow, including:
- If your child will be taking the bus to school, you will want to relay some very important safety information to ensure their well-being. Explain to your child the importance of waiting at least 10 feet from the curb for the bus, and not approaching the school bus until it has come to a complete halt. You will also want to explain to your child the importance of minimizing distractions for the bus driver.
- If your child will be walking to school each day, it is crucial that you entrust a friend or group of friends for them to walk with. Children should never walk alone to school. If you have not already had the talk about what to do when a stranger approaches, there is no better time than now. You should have a code word so that your child can ask for the code word if someone claims they are there to pick them up. Some criminals will tell children their parents are injured to lure them in the car.
- Keeping your kids hydrated while they are away from you can be challenging. Try packing fruits that contain fluids such as watermelon, grapes, apples, and oranges in their lunch as an extra fluid source. While you should pack water in your child’s lunchbox, you may also want to look into some alternative natural juices that your child can enjoy as well. Refrain from purchasing beverages high in sugar content.
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