How to Avoid Common Restaurant Business Insurance Claims

The restaurant business faces unique risks and challenges, including food contamination causing illnesses to customers, injuries and violence from fights among patrons, slips and fall incidents due to food spills, etc. All these can lead to liability claims, demanding costly settlements. However, being aware of the common restaurant business insurance claims and how to avoid them can help save your restaurant from such unfortunate incidents and related losses. Here are the common restaurant Read More

Is Assessing Your Health While Applying for Life Insurance Necessary?

Life insurance is one policy that you cannot buy right away. You need to qualify through a medical exam or by answering a few health-related questions that help insurance providers assess your health and fix your premiums accordingly. Let us discuss how one can rate their health when applying for life insurance and what impact it creates on the cost. How to Rate Your Health While Applying for the Policy? Based on your current health and existing medical conditions, you can rate your Read More